Thursday, April 21, 2016


I Realized today how much of a Nigerian I am today, all these years I wondered where I got that trait from, it just dawned on me*Revelation*
Found out I am always looking for AID, unless wanting support. All my dreams lay in d hope one day I will get a loan. I'm needy, wanting If I contact a friend, neighbor, acquaintance, relative, mummy, Daddy,
 I need their help, they have to aid me or loan me a little something
Why I'm I like this?
 With all I've got I can't see where the resources go, searching for more, needing, requesting, loaning, collecting Even when I get d support I can't tell where it went, I did something with it, I'm sure I did, like a grain of sand in d desert, hard to find
 I pray and fast! God I need your help, to you alone I look. I praise him for a lively hope, a man of faith I am with my many doubts
Then it dawned on me; I see you in me. Nigeria, the blood that runs in my veins, it all came from all I saw in you in all that you have been.
With many resources, my Nation always goes looking, searching begging for aids, for grants, loans. Up and  Down Nigeria goes, help me! Help me.

Blessed with Crude oil but I need help to refine it so I blame someone for my many problems, only having solutions that requires anther's help 

We steal our own but need d help of the world to get it back, I've Gold and Brimstone but who will help me find and tap it?
Someone help My people are hungry, we are poverty stricken, who will help, I will spend that which I have in search of Help, overseas & around. Help!!!
 I burnt my towns and killed my people, men women and children. I can't tell why but I know who to blame. Help me rebuild my cities, help me...
Like my country, we all looking for help to do that we can on our own, all cos we believe the solution lies abroad and not within I get the help, loans, grants, Aids, funds, investment, supports, programs, donors.
You can't imagine how much I get but it changes nothing It doesn't take away queues from filling stations, nor feed my hungry, my youths are unemployed with poor education, poverty everywhere.
 The solutions out there maybe in China, US, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia. I search, I'll keep searching till I find I find it, Fly the world Who will tell me to look within, is possible I have all I seek abroad?
 That option I must not think,
 how will I survive with all that help!?
 Maybe if I did I'll find within that actually got what I was looking for overseas but no one told me,
All d Aids have made me lazy I do not see
How did China get there?
 They looked within, learn from there to overcome and structure their resources, got their youths busy, changed
Note to Self! LOOK WITHIN!!
 I hope my Nation will hear as well?
 Is it even possible to live without their help?
 Does it all even make sense?

Misan C. Pinnick