Friday, February 5, 2010


The Nigerian youth has come down the times, and has seen itself go from trend to trend with a fear if the move will ever come to an end, as young have grown with white hair and the trend continues, youths have metamophosized over time from adrican children who are driven on moral farcial values that their parents instill in them as they grow to those who access and use every information around them on the world wide web, who meet and network on may social networking sites such as,, amongst loads of others.

Nigerians are in clusters all over the world, in the different continents across the world, and with the internet its becoming easier for them to connect and interact but you must agree that with the increase in interaction and communication the lack of a local platform with understanding of the predicament of the Nigerian youth, their suffering, their experiences and culture. the need for this platform cannot be over emphasised or denied but urgently attended to, and as it is said "a stitch in time saves 9 (nine)".

a youth platform that catches them young and understands their major hassles gives them all the chance to express themselves i bring to you, reaching out with connecting the campus with the external community and create a leverage for association, giving the leaders a platform to express, we hope we reach ur bidding, reach out!! Nigeria's premier youth online community, the long sought after channel to take ur brand directly to the Nigerian youth. check it out today.



Saturday, January 16, 2010

Every Begining!!

Beginning as stated by the Webster dictionary

Main Entry: 1be·gin·ning
Pronunciation: \bi-ˈgi-niŋ, bē-\
Function: noun
Date: 12th century

1 : the point at which something begins : start
2 : the first part
3 : origin, source
4 : a rudimentary stage or early period —usually used in plural

the beginning has never been stated as a fact to start at the beginning, certain issues like childbirth see people beginning, these humans begin to live and after a while they start doing more than living maybe begin to grow, it goes to the stage where they begin school; first primary, then secondary before tertiary.

life is made up of phases and each of those phases have beginnings, an origin, starting point, a source and in all these beginnings, in these lines you read lies my own beginning in my life of blogging, so when you are used to Misan Pinnick the Blogger and you wonder where it started from come down this route:16th January 2010